Invitation to sponsors
In a world where rapid technological development accelerates knowledge expiration, it is crucial for us as the European Society of Surgical Oncology to serve as a dynamic forum for surgical oncologists.
We see it as our responsibility to keep our colleagues informed on the latest developments and advancements in the field of Surgical Oncology. It is of great importance to empower surgeons through an open platform where exchange with experts and peer fellows is at a state-of-art level.
With this in mind, the theme of the ESSO 43 congress is set for: ‘Surgical Oncology Tomorrow: Innovation & Education’. The scientific programme will cover the main solid tumours, including breast cancer, colorectal cancer, hepatobiliary cancer, upper GI cancer, melanoma, sarcoma, endocrine tumours and peritoneal surface malignancies.
Sessions will address topics such as neoadjuvant systemic therapies, robotic resections, Artificial Intelligence, imaging, fluorescence-guided surgery, advanced technology for improved visualisation and teaching, cytoreductive surgery, management of the axilla after neoadjuvant treatment, intraoperative ultrasound to improve outcomes, immediate breast reconstruction, and many more.
The three-day comprehensive programme will also feature discussions and presentations on shared-decision making, interspecialty training, women in surgery, or Surgical oncology research.
For more information and questions on sponsorship opportunities:
Mrs Carine Lecoq
Chief Operating Officer
Mr Dante Meeus
Event Coordinator
Statistics ESSO 42